Brand strategy that brings people together.

Brand strategy that brings people together.


Brand Identity

Conducting regular brand check-ups can ensure that your brand remains in alignment with your vision and strategic direction.  Although we build our brands to last, internal and external factors can impact our business strategy and force us to evolve in order to stay connected with your audience.  In order to be certain your brand remains relevant, consistent, valuable, and true to its mission, I recommend conducting an annual brand audit. 

What is a Brand Audit?

Basically, a brand audit is a process that helps you analyze and assess how your brand is performing in the market. A brand audit allows you to:

    • Take a step back and look at the overall picture, which helps to inform your long-term strategy

    • Pinpoint strengths and weaknesses of your brand

    • Highlight any missing pieces from your brand strategy

    • Identify areas where you can improve your brand position and overall performance

The magic of a brand audit is that it uncovers hidden roadblocks that are stopping your brand from growing or moving forward. Conducting a brand audit helps you to understand the current state of your brand and create a strategy and plan to reach more customers, get more sales, and increase brand awareness.  

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Items to Review During your Brand Audit

When conducting your brand audit, you should consider your target audience, offerings, social media channels, pricing, and competition.  Plan to gather as much information as possible in these areas.  You can use the table below to guide you. 

Brand Strategy Brand Identity Touchpoints
Message Architecture
Ideal Client Profile
Color Palette
Welcome Guides
Social Media

Conduct Your Brand Audit in 6 Steps

Step 1:  Audit Your Brand Goals and Priorities

Before you can assess how your brand is performing, you need to get clear on what you hope to achieve with your branding.  This means reviewing your business and marketing objectives.  

Before you start your brand audit, consider the following questions.

    • Who is your target audience? What are their pain points, challenges, and needs?

    • What is the level of brand awareness among your ideal audience? Do you need to increase your visibility?

    • How is your brand currently perceived? Is it on-point with how you would like your brand to be perceived?

    • What is your current market share? Are there opportunities to expand? What are the main obstacles to making that happen? 

Think about what you are trying to accomplish in the next year or two.  Consider some ideas for quick wins as well as actions that will have the greatest impact and return on your investment.  Keep these in mind as you go through your brand audit to look for possible roadblocks.  

Step 2:  Question your Audience

Your brand’s success is shaped by the perceptions and experiences of your audience.  This means you gotta dive into their mindset to find those gaps between your current and desired brand perception.  

“Your brand is not what you say it is. It’s what they say it is.”

Marty Neumeier

You can use an email survey, social media poll, or customer feedback to better understand how your people perceive your brand.  

Consider some of these questions when asking for feedback.

    • How would you describe our brand?

    • What do our products/services help you with?

    • How do you feel after viewing this?

    • Do you recommend our products, services or content to others?

    • What do you think of when you see our logo?

    • How can we improve your experience?

If you can’t pose all of these questions to your audience while conducting your brand audit, consider adding some to your client feedback form at the end of each project.  The information provided by your audience can help you determine what, if any, adjustments need to be made to your brand strategy, platforms, and communications.  

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Step 3:  Compare with the Competition

Normally, I would say comparison is a bad thing.  You have unique gifts and talents that your audience needs.  During the brand audit, we want to use comparison to ensure you are positioning yourself in a way that celebrates what you have to offer that no one else does.   

Ask yourself:

    • What is the position that your business owns in the marketplace?

    • How are your competitors positioned? What is your primary point of difference? What sets your business apart?

    • Do you need to make changes to your brand strategy and positioning to better leverage what makes you different/better than anyone else?

Step 4:  Cross Check Brand Identity and Communications

Next up on your brand audit is to examine your brand identity and communications to make sure they are working for you and your business goals.   Check your resources and ask yourself:

    • How are people navigating to your website?  What links are they clicking?  What is the bounce rate? Conversion rate?  

    • Does your personality come across in the tone and style of your design and copy?

    • Are you communicating in a way that is relevant and resonates with your ideal client? Do you clearly and directly address their unique needs, wants and challenges?

    • Is your brand voice distinct, consistent, and on-brand?  Do your communications immediately convey the reason to choose your company, or do they look and sound just like those of your competition?

    • How often do you communicate with your target audience? Is this enough to stay top of mind? Are you communicating with your audience through the channels of their choice?

    • Do each of your communications have a clear call to action, spelling out precisely the next step you want your audience to take?

If you find that your brand messaging, visuals, and even your overarching brand strategy just aren’t pulling their weight, I would encourage you to get in touch with me.  I would love to chat about how we can level-up your brand through distinct visuals and intentional strategy. 

Step 5:  Review the Brand Audit Data

At this point in the brand audit process, you have the information you need to determine whether your brand is on track, needs a few tweaks, or needs a rebrand.  

You can learn more about whether a rebrand or brand refresh is right for you in this blog post.  

Make a list of the areas for improvement.  Rank them in order of importance and what will have the biggest impact on growing  your brand and business. 

Step 6:  Make an Action Plan

Remember, the purpose of a brand audit is to identify any actions you need to take to strengthen your brand. Once you have identified your strengths and weaknesses, consider which are the easiest and fastest to implement. Then take the time to develop a detailed action plan and determine a timeline for execution.  Once you start implementing changes, be sure to monitor any changes in ROI, brand awareness, conversions and customer feedback.

You can’t afford to take your eyes off your brand.  While conducting a brand audit may seem like a challenging task, it doesn’t have to be an ordeal.  My step-by-step Brand Audit Workbook provides a framework to guide you through the process.  Grab your copy today!

Brand Audit Workbook


Conducting an annual brand audit is important to make your branding is working for you and your business. To support you with the brand audit process, I've created the Brand Audit Workbook. This workbook will walk you through each step in conducting your brand audit.

Grab your copy of the brand audit workbook
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One thing I get asked all the time is how can I keep my branding consistent? Most people realize that they need consistent branding to build recognition and brand awareness.  However, what people may not realize is that branding is so much more than a logo, color palette, or website.  Building a strong, consistent brand requires strategic planning and purposeful design that accurately represents your brand’s personality and speaks to your ideal clients.  

Today, I’m sharing five tips to help you create consistent branding that communicates your mission and inspires authentic connection with your audience.  

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Consistent Brand Identity

You need a strong, consistent brand identity to attract your ideal clients.  Taking the time to develop your brand identity ensures that your messaging is always on point with your brand’s personality, value, and unique positioning in the marketplace.  This makes it easier for people to remember your brand, which increases brand awareness and helps you connect with your ideal audience.  

Your brand identity includes:

  • Brand visuals-colors, logo, fonts, layout, and design elements like photos and graphics. 
  • Brand voice and tone- the language and style used to communicate with your audience
  • Brand messaging– slogan or tagline, social media, email, and in-product content messaging, website copy, and anything else used to communicate with your audience

Each piece of your brand identity is an opportunity to influence how people see you and your business.  

Not sure if your brand identity is working for or against you?  Maybe it’s time for a brand audit.  Check out this post to learn more.

Consistent Brand Visuals

In order to develop consistent branding, you need to make sure that everything you put out into the world uses the same colors, typography, imagery, and voice.  Each of these play a different role in your messaging, but when strategically selected, they work together to deliver a big impact.  Each component should be carefully selected to connect with and inspire your audience.  

Let’s examine the key elements in creating consistent brand visuals.

  • Color Palette:  Colors are powerful communication tools and will be the first thing people notice about your brand.  Be sure to select a color palette that reflects your brand and speaks to your target audience.
  • Typography:  Choose 2-3 fonts for your brand and use them consistently.  Heading fonts should be the most expressive and represent your brand’s personality.  Keep your subtitle and body fonts easy to read.  
  • Logo: Your logo is one of the most visible and recognizable components of your brand. Therefore, it should be unique and memorable. 
  • Graphics:  Visuals make a serious impact when it comes to brand recognition, conversion rates, and social media engagement.  Custom illustrations, graphics, and patterns give your brand a unique edge that will engage your audience and make you stand out from the competition.    

You want to invest in logo, graphics, and brand patterns that will help you deliver distinctive, easy to recognize messaging across a variety of platforms. 

Consistent Brand Guidelines

To help you and your team maintain consistency, develop (and use) a brand style guide for social media, website content, and branded images.  Your brand style guide can include sample messaging, guidelines on selecting images, brand and tone recommendations, and other suggestions to help everyone on the team stay consistent with branding.  

Consider the following topics when developing your brand style guide:

  • Logo usage:  clear space, sizing, logo version descriptions, usage restrictions, etc.
  • Color palette: primary and secondary colors with hex codes
  • Typography: font styles, sizes, and spacing
  • Imagery: photos, illustrations,etc. 
  • Layout guidance: filters, colors, relevant specs, etc.  
  • Tone and voice: messaging, word choice, and emotion

Your brand style guide is essentially an instruction manual and rule book on how to communicate your brand consistently.  If you’re working with a designer, ask them to provide you with a brand style guide 

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Consistent Social Media Graphics

To save time and make sure your posts are always on brand, create branded templates for your social media channels.  You can work with your brand designer to tailor templates to your unique color palette, fonts, graphics, and overall style.  When you have a collection of branded templates, you can rest assured that everything you publish is memorable and on-point with your brand.  

When designing social media templates, be sure to consider:

  • Fit sizes and specifications for various platforms
  • Optimization for different social media platforms
  • Organization strategy to keep templates easy to find and use

Creating brand templates is one of the easiest ways to stay consistent when posting online.  

Consistent Brand Communication

From email signatures to welcome guides, consistent branding means updating your client experience in addition to your online content.  Everything you share should include your brand identity in order to set you apart as a professional and build trust with your clients.  I recommend working with a designer to create custom guides, stationary, etc. that match the look and feel of your brand.  

To stay consistent with your communication, remember to update your:

  • Email Signature
  • Client proposals
  • Invoices
  • Welcome guides
  • Contacts
  • Newsletters
  • Worksheets, upgrades, freebies, etc.
  • Services guide
  • Business stationary

Whether you are designing communication for print or electronic distribution, keeping everything on brand will elevate your client experience and increase demand for your business.  

A strong brand identity does more than just look good.  It’s vital to maintain consistency in your branding and communication.  A well-designer brand identity can improve your marketing efforts and attract your ideal clients.  By choosing the right design for your brand and showing up consistently, you build awareness, establish credibility, and increase your earning potential.  

Need Help Building a Consistent Brand?

Let's get together and chat about how I can help you level-up your brand. Book a free, no strings attached discovery call or schedule a 1:1 power hour to start building your action plan for consistent branding.

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There’s no doubt that your brand is important to your business success.  Your brand is your most valuable asset and your competitive advantage in the marketplace.  

Although you strive to build a lasting brand identity, there are times when a brand needs a little (or a lot) of TLC to stay connected with your audience and/or mission.  Sometimes that can be accomplished with a brand refresh, but other times, it may require a complete overhaul in the form of a rebrand.   

Let’s take a look at the difference between a rebrand and a brand refresh.  

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Need a Little Tweak?  That’s a Brand Refresh

Think of a brand refresh like a fresh coat of paint in your living room, maybe even a new couch.  A brand refresh isn’t a fundamental change and tends to focus more on the appearance of your brand.  It’s a strategic set of changes to your brand identity to realign with current trends or increase its impact on how your brand feels, sounds, and looks to your audience.  A brand refresh can come in many forms including:


    • New or altered logo

    • Updated slogan

    • New color palette

    • Refreshed marketing materials

    • New font

    • Updated content with your brand’s voice

    • New service and product offerings.

Tearing it All Down?  That’s a Rebrand

In simple terms, if a brand refresh is a fresh coat of paint and a new couch, then a rebrand is gutting the room and starting over.  While a refresh updates your brand identity, a rebrand completely transforms it.  Rebranding gives you the power to go back to the beginning and go through the branding process again with a refined vision for your business.

Rebranding is a top-to-bottom change that includes:


    • Overhauling your entire image

    • Creating a new brand strategy

    • Redefining the mission

    • Reestablishing the brand story

    • Reworking the brand positioning and value to match a new set of goals

    • Developing a new brand personality

    • Establishing your brand in a different market

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Which is Right for you, a Brand Refresh or a Rebrand? 

So now that we understand the difference between a brand refresh and a rebrand, how do you know which one is right for your brand? To answer that question, you need to determine what the issues are with your current branding.  

Go for a refresh if…

If your brand strategy, story, and positioning is solid, chances are you just need a brand refresh.  A brand refresh is perfect when you just need to update your messaging and design system to give your brand more power and consistency.  A refresh will help clarify and refocus your brand image by giving your brand elements a few quick, modern enhancements.  

When going through the refresh process, it’s important to build on your existing reputation and enhance your brand’s current equity with your audience.  Consider a brand refresh if you want to:


    • Make your brand more appealing to your target audience.

    • Reconnect your brand with your offerings.

    • Ensure your brand stays relevant and keeps up with the changing marketplace.

    • Reach a wider audience.

    • Preserve the integrity of your brand.

    • Infuse the business with new vitality.

A refresh is something that can improve and build upon your current brand. If you have a loyal audience, and things are going well for your brand, a refresh can help you to make sure that you stay competitive, and remain on the right track.

Go for a rebrand if…

If you need to completely change your brand image, reposition your business, or expand your business scope and appeal to a new market, you probably want to go for a rebrand.  A brand redesign, or rebrand, involves some serious changes to your brand aimed at changing your messaging and brand identity.  

Since rebranding is a more complex process than a brand refresh, it requires serious consideration and preparation.  Rebranding is basically like starting from scratch to develop your brand identity and visual assets.  This is a good choice if your current branding was never a great fit for your business or you’re changing focus and moving in a new direction.   

You should consider a rebrand when:


    • Your competition is growing, so your  brand needs to evolve too.

    • Your audience is changing.

    • You have a  desire to market new services and products.

    • Your old marketing methods aren’t working anymore.

    • Your current brand identity is out-of-date.

    • Industry expectations have changed.

With a rebrand, everything changes. You might be selling the same products, or providing the same services, but your brand becomes something entirely new. 

Final Thoughts: Brand Refresh vs. Rebrand

Eventually, every brand needs to change. The world is constantly changing.  New competition, new innovations, and new demands from your clients require your brand to keep up if you want to stay relevant.  However, the extent to which you change your brand and adapt depends on you.

Markets, businesses, and audiences grow and change.  It’s important to keep in touch with your ideal clients and the latest trends in brand strategy and design.  To keep your brand relevant, you have to be willing and ready to refresh or rebrand as needed.  Sometimes, that requires a few changes to some minor details in order to make your brand more appealing to customers. Other times, it calls for a complete redesign of your brand identity, especially if you’re reaching out to a new audience or preparing to enter a new market.  The main thing to keep in mind is the importance of your brand identity and how to make sure it represents your brand image properly.

Could a brand refresh or rebrand be in order for your business? If so, which approach do you think will help you reach your desired results? Sound off in the comments below, or get in touch to chat more about this exciting time for your brand!

Let's Level-Up Your Brand

Your branding investment should deliver lasting value, and I intentionally guide my clients through a process that’s purposeful and profitable. In order to serve you to the best of my ability, I accept a limited number of bookings each month. Lucky for you, I am booking news clients with just a handful of openings available.

To start the conversation and learn more about pricing and availability, please click the button below. I can't wait to chat with you.

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I’m Michelle Starcher, the creative mind behind Bilbrey Lee. Life’s too short to live with regrets, and I’m on a mission to help entrepreneurs grow a thriving business while living a joy-filled life. I believe it’s possible to build a successful empire doing what you love. I’m here to cheer you on, help you grow, and develop actionable strategies to grow your business.

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